
I’ve known Vicki and Gary for 32 years, and never have I seen a more bonded brother and sister teach and a more dedicated and loving sister.
Ben Bryant, (film producer/editor/award- winning writer)

I’ve known Vicki for 42 years, personally and professionally. She truly has a gift for teaching memory training and for being a devoted sister.
Leonard Felder, psychologist and nationally known writer of 8 books.

This book is a real page turner. It’s funny and very well written.
Peggy Kubert, Director of Erika's Lighthouse and LSW

My sister took control. She cajoled the doctors and kept the staff informed of my need’s hourly and daily. I know my survival depended on my immune system having the strength to fight the COVID -19 Virus because of Vicki’s presence and all she was doing for me.
Gary Mizel, writer/comic/brother

A Sister's Love

How Family Bonds Can Save A Life

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